How we move projects ahead
Find key management talent
After Investor funding, Patra needed a director of operations for its Indian back office. Concept Equity Group found the director and has placed other key management at the corporation, including its president.
Introduce strategic partners and customers
Scio wanted to eliminate concerns about the market need for its ability to read, understand and analyze real estate leases. Concept Equity Group introduced them to the CEO of Equity Office. They agreed to become a development pilot, offering leases, subject matter expertise and testing.
Review and recommend strategic positioning
Secure Tax Exchange expected to receive an innovation award in a leading magazine, and have a product ready for sale within two months. Concept Equity Group recommended putting together a marketing plan and team to leverage these opportunities. Introduction to sales and marketing leaders resulted in a connection to one of the most influential consultants in the accounting industry.
Assistive Medical Equipment receives investment as a result of their December BNC VC Group presentation. 2009 Results – Two companies receive funding from the BNC VC Group meeting. 25% of presenters are successful in gaining funding from some source.
Communications projects
Presentation Structure
Scio was preparing to meet with a key prospect and potential Investor. Concept Equity Group developed its Investors’ presentation deck to include key elements such as:
• Problem
• Solution/product/service
• Business Model
• Target Market
• Competition
• Sustainable Competitive Advantage
• Risks
• Management Team
• Financials
• Valuation
• Exit Strategy
Executive Summary
Payment Pathways had a 35-page business plan, but no executive summary. Concept Equity Group proposed a
one-page summary format, now used for initial Investor discussions.
Business Plan: Financials
A client had detailed financials with a balance sheet that did not balance and no income statement. Concept Equity Group fixed the detailed financials and prepared an income statement for use with Angels.
Market Research
A client had detailed financials with a balance sheet that did not balance and no income statement. Concept Equity Group fixed the detailed financials and prepared an income statement for use with Angels.
Concept Equity Group helped a client determine its valuation by looking at comparables for price to sales, price to EBITDA, and present value based upon the projected financials.
Presentation Critiques
Concept Equity Group brings together a collection of business advisors – including sales, marketing, legal and financial executives – who have worked for companies and have taken companies from an idea to over $1 billion. These business advisors improve our clients’ Investor presentations by providing key insights about the elements expected by the investment community.